There is nothing in this world finer than sitting down to a meal that has been prepared with ingredients that you’ve grown yourself.
We’re huge fans of apartment gardening, kitchen gardens, and more but Groundbreaking Food Gardens by Nikki Jabbour takes things to the next level.
Nikki Jabbour Is A Gardener’s Gardener

Nikki is the host of The Weekend Gardener and has spent 10 years answering questions from gardeners and growers across North America.
Now, they’ve distilled everything they know into helping you be more creative in the garden.
Groundbreaking Food Gardens Is Creativity Unleashed
In the pages you’ll find 73 different food gardens, each one created by a master gardener and each one designed to deliver a different impact in your life.
We confess that we’re most tempted by a garden designed to deliver all the ingredients we need for our favorite cocktails but we’d be happy with any of them.
Everything You Need To Plan Your Garden
And you’ll find everything in the book that you need to do this yourself. It’s chock-full of growing tips, plans, drawings, diagrams, alternative crop suggestions and more.
If you want a great food garden then you need Groundbreaking Food Gardens by Nikki Jabbour. You can get a copy online here.