There’s a new craze sweeping the nation and it’s awesome.
Yes, it’s homesteading and that’s why we’ve put together a list of our favorite homesteading blogs.
Whether you’re homesteading in the suburbs, in the city, or in your backyard, there’s a ton of useful information to be found here.
The Prairie Homestead

Jill, in her own words, is “the Homestead Mentor” and she sees her blog as the place that ambitious people turn to when they want to go back to their roots.
We agree.
The Prairie Homestead is slickly packaged but that’s OK because it also delivers on its promise. It’s an excellent resource for every homesteader, even the less ambitious ones like us.
We really like the way this blog is broken down by subject area to make information easily available.
The Self-Sufficient Home Acre

Lisa runs the Self-Sufficient Home Acre and it’s all about her experiences on her own very small homestead.
She’s got a wide-range of subjects covered and whether you want to know about raising your own chickens or canning your own food then she’s got you covered.
Her free newsletter is also an excellent resource and we can recommend signing up for it.
Homesteading Hippy
I think we can all agree that if nothing else, the Homesteading Hippy has the best blog name of all homesteading blogs.
It’s also an excellent resource, thankfully, and it’s been offering up advice on homesteading since Heather started it back in 2006 and that means you could spend a lifetime perusing the archives.
If you have something hyper-specific to research this is a great blog to start with.
The Farm Wife

Representing the Southern Belles is Julie who is a serious homesteader and completely in touch with the South and all the brilliance it brings.
The Farm Wife is a fantastic place to learn about homesteading, living a simpler life, and homemaking, which is something of a lost art.
If you like what she’s got on the blog, Julie has also published two books (available on Amazon) that will broaden your knowledge considerably.
The Elliott Homestead
One thing that really makes The Elliott Homestead stand out from the rest of the blogs on our list is the ability to print out digital magazine versions of the articles.
It’s just like reading used to be when we were younger and we think it really evokes the simpler life that we’re all trying to find.
Oak Hill Homestead

Kathi has been blogging at the Oak Hill Homestead for more than a decade now and she’s a real expert on the arts of everything from bringing up goats to making your own soap.
We liked the free e-book on Making Your Own Vinegar which is a very useful gift and helps you to create something super tasty, even if you’re not running a homestead yet.
There’s no mucking around when the blog title is simply, “Homesteading”, is there?
Surprisingly, there was no resting on their laurels when they secured the easiest to remember domain name around, this blog is really good.
It’s ideal for exploring everything from running a small homestead to a small farm.
Homegrown Self-Reliance

Shawna down in Idaho is the mastermind of Homegrown Self-Reliance, one of the friendliest and best-presented homesteading blogs we’ve ever seen.
Her home remedies section is quite unique and we’ve found it to be very useful
She’s also an excellent gardener with serious animal keeping skills too!
Lady Lee’s Home
The focus at Lady Lee’s Home is very much on growing your own food and that’s why we’ve included it here.
While not strictly as broad as some other homesteading blogs, this is a very deep delve into the ins and outs of edible gardening and we love it.
A Modern Homestead
Victoria’s A Modern Homestead hails from the Lone Star State and she and her husband run a really cool homestead down there.
They also offer some of the best frugal living tips that we’ve ever had the good fortune to come across, we think that if you’re on a tight budget, Victoria is the homesteader for you.