Tiny Home Builders Is A Huge Resource For Beginners

Cutting down on your impact on the planet is as easy as cutting down on the space you live in.

Which is why we recommend everyone becomes Tiny Home Builders

We’re big fans of tiny homes and if you’ve read our “how to build a tiny home” guide then you’ve got some idea of how to get started.

More Detail Please

Of course, the thing is that most people are going to need a bit more training than we can give to get the job done.

Tiny Home Builders offers an in-depth tiny house building eWorkshop on their site and there are lots of free taster sessions to get you started to ensure that you find it useful before you buy the course.

Need Hands On?

If that’s not the way you like to learn and you need to get hands on with things – they can also provide in person workshops

You don’t need any previous experience to join. 

Tiny House Workshop

Tiny Home Builders: They’ve Got A Book Too!

Tiny Home Builders Book

Yes, there’s even a Tiny House Design and Construction Guide which puts everything down on paper if, like us, you prefer to read things at your leisure.

Speaking of reading, they can also supply you with the plans that you need to make your tiny home a reality. 

Travel With Your Tiny Home

If you’re not sure which tiny house community to join, then why not consider putting your tiny home on a trailer? 

Tiny Home Builders can help you with a pre-fabricated trailer which is designed specifically to carry the load of a tiny home. 

Tiny House Trailer


One of our favorite tiny house bloggers turned us on to Tiny Home Builders and we’ve been super impressed with everything that we’ve seen. 

We think they’re going to be the go-to company for a lot of people looking for financial and personal freedom in today’s mad world.