We Are The Weather: Saving The Planet Begins At Breakfast

If you are looking for small practical steps to help save the planet that you can introduce into a family home even if everybody else is skeptical about your efforts then you might want to begin with We Are The Weather by Jonathan Safran Foer.

we are the weather book cover

The Road Ahead

Foer argues that many people still reject the concept of climate change even though the idea is overwhelmingly supported by climate scientists.

He also argues that it can be difficult to change these people’s minds.

Then he drops the bombshell, maybe the solution is to spend less time on those who don’t believe and more on those who do?

Are those who believe doing their bit to save the planet or are they sleepwalking into danger without really thinking about it?

A Practical Change With We Are The Weather

So, he went to look for a change in the way we live that absolutely everybody on earth could implement without doing themselves a grave disservice and which even climate change skeptics could embrace.

“Deeply contemplative and artfully creative . . . In his desire to convince others to take action, Foer raises the philosophical bar, which is, perhaps, the most effective way of fomenting sincere and long-lasting commitment to this life-threatening crisis.”

Carol Haggas, Booklist

Foer argues that real change starts at breakfast and involves us examining what goes on our plates and realizing that the wrong choices can be catastrophic for the planet.

we are the weather book

Then he offers up some alternatives that are both good for us and for mother nature.

You can’t beat starting small and working up to the big stuff and that’s what We Are The Weather inspires us to do.

You can check out We Are The Weather: Saving The Planet Begins At Breakfast online here.

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