Our Fave Zero Waste Instagram Accounts To Follow

According to recent research, the average individual, in America, produces 1,361.4 lbs of trash annually that cannot be recycled. That’s more than the weight of a horse or a grand piano in garbage! For each of us. Every single year.

The planet can’t go on like that and neither should we. 

These zero waste instagrammers can help you stop contributing to the global trash pile and start saving the planet for your children. 

Kathryn Kellogg – Going Zero Waste

A brush with breast cancer left Kathryn wondering whether she was poisoning her own body and the more she researched, she realized that not only might she be hurting herself, she was also hurting the planet.

Going Zero Waste is the result of what Kathryn learned and she’s now representing National Geographic for plastic-free lifestyles. 

She even wrote THE book on zero waste: 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste which features in our list of the best zero waste books too. 

Lauren Singer – Trash Is For Tossers

With nearly half a million followers, you can be sure that Lauren Singer knows what zero-waste living is all about and she’s famous for having been able to fit 8 years of trash into a single jar!

We can only assume that she does most of her shopping at our favorite zero waste stores and thus, isn’t bringing in much to throw away in the first place. 

Jess Lee Carpenter

Jess combines zero waste with high fashion and we love the way that she demonstrates you can be super stylish, every single day without being cruel to the planet that we live on. 

Her big takeaway is a simple one, think twice about buying the things that you don’t need and watch the trash pile shrink quickly!

Bea Johnson – Zero Waste Home

Bea is the “mother of the zero waste lifestyle” according to CNN and she’s been living a “trash free” lifestyle since 2008. 

She’s also been living in a tiny home for a long time now and her house only has 188 square feet of living space! 

That means her tips are super authentic and always something she puts into place in her own life, first. 

Dr. Anita Vandyke – Rocket Science

Yup, she’s a real life rocket scientist and Anita’s got all the science-based tips that you need to reduce your environmental footprint.

We like the daily practices that she uses to keep waste to a minimum and that she tries to ensure that going waste-free is budget neutral, as all too often a “good zero waste tip” can end up costing you a fortune. 

Anne-Marie Bonneau – Zero Waste Chef

One area in which we all seem to create huge amounts of waste in our lives is the kitchen. 

After all, what do you do when you finish a chicken or find yourself with a sink full of pineapple skin? 

Anne-Marie Bonneau knows and she combines kitchen creativity and less waste to create super tasty food that often costs less than the food you’d have cooked before! 

Her new cookbook is excellent and if you like her Instagram, you might want to pick up a copy. 

Manuela Baron – The Girl Gone Green

Manuela’s not all the way down the garden path to zero waste perfection but every day she makes strides towards that end result and her tips and observations are super relatable because of it.

We also like the way she turns waste into art and clothing, it’s very inspirational and a lot of fun to follow along with.